Creating a module


  • Some coding knowledge is not required since lua is very easy to use but it can help a bit.
  • Git is needed if you want to edit the module with a ide like vscode or intelij idea.
  • A2M8 is needed to run the module.

Creating a module

You can start by creating a account on the A2M8 Gitea instance and then by using the starting template.

Clone the repo you just created from the template

git clone

Then you can start by modifying the module.lua with your own code for example:

the workspace has a list of example modules too you can use reference

local shortcuts = require("shortcuts")
local e = require("event_handler")

shortcuts.addShortcut("ControlLeft.keyl", function()
    print("Omg the legendary keyl keybinding is here!")

while true do
    local event =
    -- uncomment this to see what keys are being pressed
    -- print(event.key)
    e.eventHandler:invoke(, event)

Then you can run the module by running the following command in the root of the module to run your newly created module

a2m8 run module.lua

You can then run a2m8 add module.lua to install the module or just open the A2M8 ui and do it from there.

Adding a module to the A2M8 module list

To get your module added to the workshop modules all you have to do is tag your script with script this will make it show up in the workshop. You can do this by clicking “Manage Topics” under the repository description or above the commits count info.

A2M8 cli

A Tauri App

Usage: a2m8 [OPTIONS] [COMMAND]

  run      Run a script from path
  open     Open the tauri UI
  list     List all the scripts
  add      Add a file to the list of scripts
  delete   Remove a script this requires the id you can view it in list sub
  start    Start
  inspect  Inspect
  help     Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

  -d, --data-dir <DATA_DIR>  [env: DATA_DIR=]
  -h, --help                 Print help
  -V, --version              Print version

mode documentation

go to a2m8_lib for a list of all native modules in a2m8